Don't shine so others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see HIM.
-C.S Lewis

Thursday, January 15, 2015

 They take them for fun. They hurt them and cage them. They are not let out and they are no longer aloud to be free. They are captives.

And yet we don't let them go even though they do nothing for us and all we do is stare...and I know, because I have one in my small room in the woods, in my little steal cage.Why? I don't know. But I know now they need to be set free to be joined back with the sky.

As I run with all my might to the woods, the very woods that I am always in now, my home...I ponder...their are many more taken...stolen...I shall free them all, with a smile I run. I reach my big wooden door to the only real home I have ever had. I run to the room and take the small steal cage and oh I run, I ran as fast as I can to this field this big field on top of this hill and it's breathtaking. I look up amazed there are so many of you. I unlock the small door and you fly out in a blue blaze. As the birds circles around me, I know they are happy to be free and to be together again after all this time.

I will free all of just wait.
Because aren't I supposed to be up there with you?

Wellllllllllll I saw this picture a ^^^ and I just had to write that...and really for no reason but oh well!
tell next time.